Pirque Agroecological School


Pirque Agroecological School opened in 1991 and since then more than 3000 students have treaded its halls. 100% of that number graduated and 75% obtained their certification as an Agricultural Technician, joining the work force as soon as they finished high school. At present, 430 students are taught there, ranging from ages 14 to 18.

Throughout our history, we have managed to develop a teaching methodology based on a culture of peace that springs from respect, dialogue, agreements and trusting the students. Building on strong, solid values and on a vision of sustainable school cohabitation we have been able to instil in our students a sense of dignity, self-discipline and responsibility towards themselves and their school. The results are remarkably different from those shown in statistics in Chile for children and young people living in contexts of social vulnerability.

From this perspective, we value spirituality as a connexion between all living beings, honouring their diversity and their interdependence. Our model begins with recognizing current inequalities and, therefore, by supporting those who need it more. We do no to accept any form of social, gender-based, racial, economic or cultural discrimination.

Our model promotes inclusion and betterment, along with the development of personal, social and environmental responsibility among our students and the teaching community as a whole.

We provide a technical-professional formation in agroecology, with a mind to form young people so they can practice a trade that allows them to stand strong, to have diverse job opportunities, and to maintain a clear sense of environmental consciousness. We foster, furthermore, the development of cognitive, practical and moral skills, which will surely benefit their economic, social and cultural insertion. Since 2008 we have been recognized by the Ministry for Education among the Academic Excellence Schools: an accolade granted by the National System for Performance Assessment to establishments notable for educational advancement and for the professionalism of their teaching personnel.

We educate for self-management and entrepreneurship. We wish that our students be capable of creating their own job opportunities and become social transformers. In order to do this, we have incorporated financial education into our curriculum, as well as internships and employability skills.

Many of our students come from environments where violence is sadly common, which is why we believe that the school must be a space for peace. We incorporate active non-violence into school education, as well as self-discipline, achieving a climate of respect that is essential for studying. We encourage horizontal dialogue among students, teachers and administrative staff as the primary mode of conflict resolution and decision making. This enables a connexion between people, as it relies on the participation of the whole school community. It is the cornerstone of a system based on trust.

Nevertheless, our primary motivation is to educate young people who are healthier and happier. Therefore, and along with upholding high academic standards that allow them to successfully join the work force, we offer them skills to manage their spiritual and affective dimensions. The school teaches compared religions, and “inner ecology”, through which we encourage respect towards everyone. Through workshops taught in our foundation, and based on the Bodhisattva Training for Peace, students and teaching staff can acquire skills to develop their full potential and help others more effectively.

Finally, and in order to meet the needs of our students, we permanently innovate in methodologies for efficacious learning through experience, through a flexible and inclusive curriculum that integrates a wide range of views.

Pirque Agroecological School is in a mission to provide an educational space that is integral and free of charge for over 400 young people, so they can complete their school education and also acquire a qualification as Agricultural Technicians, with a specialisation in agroecology. This degree is recognised by the Chilean Ministry for Education, which allows them to enter the work force or pursue further qualifications



A happy child is a child that can learn

Virginia Subercaseaux School was born in Pirque in 2013 in order to complement Fundación Origen’s educational projects. Then, the necessity arose for there to be a school that would welcome children from pre-school till the end of high school, that could offer a holistic education based on the Fundación Origen model. Unlike Pirque Agroecological School, enrolment is not free, but since it is non-profit, 100% of the utilities derived from fees are reinvested in the education of its students.

Today, after a pandemic that grievously affected children, our educational stance has become ever more relevant. The world is reconsidering the way in which we educate and the importance of bringing up people who are prepared to live in uncertain times.

Our foundation’s model fosters the development of adaptative skills, encouraging hope and harmony that are necessary for the development of each child. Our school is surrounded by nature, which fosters wellbeing, deep contemplation, and meaningful learning. We are proud of our teams’ value, both as people and as professionals, who have always been able to guide and sustain our students and their families. We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of our whole school community.

Together, we have managed to benefit from the opportunities afforded by life to be ever more creative, to become better people and professionals, for the sake of our children and young people.

Colegio Virginia Subercaseaux

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